for activities against the “Stop the Wall” conference
On June 5th, 2004
there will be an international conference at the “Alte Feuerwache”
in Cologne. The title: “Stop the wall! For a just peace in Palestine
and Israel.“ The one-day event will be introduced with a welcoming
speech by the Palestinian Community of Germany, Gush Shalom (“Israel
will in principle recognize the Palestinian’s right of return as
an undeniable human right“), as well as Klaus Lefringhausen who
is the director of integration for the North-Rhine-Westphalian state government.
The introduction-speech in all likelihood will be one of solidarity and
understanding. Warnings, as well as serious words will be spoken in addition
to edifying and hopeful ones. Not one of the participants will leave without
having used expressions like “peace”, “international
law”, “reconciliation,” etc…
During the first panel (“Current situation of the wall-building
process in Palestine and the effects”), Moshe Zuckermann may explain
how “any decent man“ should “condemn the historically
irreversible reality,“ whereby Israel has been maintaining “a
brutal occupation regime for decades,“ that “oppresses the
Palestinians“ and sabotages their right to “national self-determination.“
After all, it is no longer “the Jews who have to defend themselves
against a threat, but Jews are now threatening others.” Victoria
Waltz will nod and agree, and she will add that it is also common knowledge
that Israeli special units “’arm’ themselves with UN
and Palestinian ambulances to enter refugee camps without being seen,
and then kill randomly – including doctors, volunteers, and injured
persons.“ The financing of such operations as well as political
support should be guaranteed – “almost half of the members
of the American government are double-statemen, Israelis and Americans.“
It is therefore vitally important to have the USA “pull back their
protecting hand above the most repressive occupation regime of modern
history.“ After all, the “fourth-most powerful entity”
is fighting “against a defenseless people.” There are other
rules in general, concerning “defenseless people,” and naturally,
also in a legal sense there are other rules involved. When the Israeli
public prosecutor accuses the head of Fatah, Marwan Barghouti, of being
“the organizer of armed riots in the Westbank who is guilty of the
murder of 26 Israelis and one Greek monk,“ it is necessary to emphasize,
usining the words of André Brie, a representative of the European
parliament, that this process was already from the beginning a “political
show, (…) through which especially moderate forces and the use of
legitimate resistance are supposed to be discredited and viewed as criminal”.
Brie’s whole j’accuse! can be read at www.freepalestine.de.
This website is also advertising the conference in Cologne.
During the second panel (“Perspectives for a just peace in Palestine
and Israel”), Noam Salameh could possibly give closer details on
why it is necessary to boycott “all Israeli products from all kind.”
However, peace is quite an abstract word, and should therefore be more
closely defined. Salman Abu Sitta could at least give a more precise definition
of the preconditions for a “just peace:” “The right
of return remains sacred, legal and possible. The refugees are determined
to make it happen, however long it takes.“ In any event, one can
at least depend on the moderation by Sofia Deeg, as she is the one who
“legally” managed “to get to Arafat’s main quarters,
which was occupied by the Israeli military, armed with only courage and
a white towel.”
Norman Finkelstein, author of “The Holocaust-industry” will
not even participate in panel 3 (“Germany’s and Europe’s
responsibility in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”). The necessary
information about the instrumentalization of the Shoah by Jews will be
received from Felicia Langer, a pioneer on the topic “Shoah-Business.”
Quote: “Concerning the abuse of the Holocaust for the justification
of Israeli policy, I have already said that at a time when Finkelstein
was still a teenager.” Mrs. Langer also opposes racism and the “de-rooting”
of the Palestinians that is strived for by the Israelis. She also says
that anyone who claims “that it would mean the end of the Israeli
state if the Arabs came into Israel,“ holds a “racist point
of view.“ Again: “Israel should recognize the Palestinians’
right of return as a human right,” (Jewish voice for a just peace
in the Middle East, representative pending). By the way, Norbert Blüm
will take part at the same panel. He might point out that the title of
the discussion is a little too weak. An appropriate title would for example
be: “I can not see a defensive fight against terrorism in the actions
by the Israeli military – but only extermination.” Or another
possible option: “Israel wants to intensify its state-terrorist
activities,” (Rüdiger Göbel, Moderator of that panel).
Later “live Palestinian music, dance and food” will bring
about the last convincing arguments for solidarity for the ‘righteous
fight’ against the “barbaric, human-despising policy by the
current government of the State of Israel towards the Palestinian people
and their democratically elected representatives,” (German-Palestinian
Society, one of the organizers).
Just like the demonstration “Palestine must live”, which was
also organized by the German-Palestinian Society and others, this conference
is of course not directed “against Jews.” And the event will
also not be too joyous, as we have to remember the fallen heroes: “The
murder of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin by the Israeli government is part of a larger
step that was carried out by the government of Israel, which can be described
as symbolic genocide,” (Attac AG Globalization and War, also one
of the organizers).
And please remember to keep 10 Euros at hand. Initiativ e. V. (another
organizer) urgently needs donations to support the mass-murderers of the
Iraqi Patriot Alliance. “What the Iraqis can do, what I also find
reasonable, is to cause the occupying troops appropriate losses,”
(Joachim Guilliard, spokesman of Anti-war forum Heidelberg, one of the
Gruppe Casablanca, Georg-Weerth-Gesellschaft Köln and Bonner Bündnis/Berliner
Verhältnisse call for the defending of Israel’s right to self-defense
against the participants and visitors of this conference, along with the
showing of solidarity with this country, which was founded to give safety
to all those that are persecuted by anti-Semites, at that place.
Long live Israel!
Gruppe Casablanca
Georg-Weerth-Gesellschaft Köln
Bonner Bündnis/Berliner Verhältnisse
[a:ka], Göttingen
A2K2, westliches Ruhrgebiet
Aktion Antikrauts, Düsseldorf
AMIGA-Gruppe Siegen
Antideutsch-kommunistische Initiative, NRW
Antideutsche Initiative Herzogenaurach
Antideutsche Kommunisten Berlin
Antifa (X) Recklinghausen
Antifa Giessen
Antifaschistische Aktion Dortmund
Antifaschistische Offensive Münsterland
Antinationale Gruppe Bremen
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Antifaschismus an der Universität Potsdam
Bund jüdischer Jugendlicher und Studenten Köln
Café Critique, Wien
Deutsch-Israelisches Jugendforum Rhein-Ruhr
Freundeskreis Israel, Regensburg (Uri Beer, Regina Wagner, Otto Schwerdt,
Prof.Dr. Roland Hornung, D.u.I. Danziger, Jürgen Grande, Prof. Dr.
Michael Wolffsohn, Magda Gatter, Wolfgang Kondruß, Monika Schmitz,
Andrea Mink)
Georg-Weerth-Gesellschaft e.V., Detmold
Initiative gegen Antisemitismus und Antizionismus, Tübingen
Initiative Solidarität mit Israel, Stuttgart
Israel-Solidarität Bremen
Dr. Klaus Thörner (Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft, Oldenburg)
Kommunistische Initiative – Dortmund
Les Fils et Filles des Déportés Juifs de France, Paris
Liberté toujours, Berlin
Prozionistische Linke Frankfurt
Redaktion Bahamas
Redaktion T-34, Duisburg