Friday, June 4, 2004
Information- and Mobilization-Event
Lecture: "The Anti-Terror-Fence", Speaker: Margita Neuwald-Golling
(WIZO, Women's International
Zionist Organization)
Lecture: "About the German and European Middle-East-Policy",
Speaker: Matthias
Küntzel (Journalist and Author)
lectures will be held in German.
19:00 h, Cologne University, main building, Hörsaal (lecture
room) XII, Albertus-Magnus-Platz (U8/9, station: "Universität")
> City map
> Layout
plan of lecture rooms
June 5, 2004
Rally against the conference "Stop the Wall"
Speeches, besides others by Beate Klarsfeld (pending), and information-points.
9:30 h, Ebertplatz
(near the "Alte Feuerwache")
> City